Sunday, September 28, 2008

excuse me mr. but is that a 10,000 sq foot mushroom i see?

The coolhunter usually features fairly amazing buildings and I have been subscribing to their website for quite some time now. Never have they shown such a unique building as Shuhei Endo’s Bubbletecture H. Made entirely of steel, wood and glass the structure is planned in three sections that function as a theater/lecture hall, bookshop/gallery and a workshop.

As not to reiterate the entire article please read it for yourself. If you do… you will read that the entire structure is created with the earth in mind. I think that this notion of going beyond environmental sustainability and really appreciating the earth itself is very important as designers. Endo’s structure truly becomes one with it’s surroundings allowing little distinction between it’s surrounding natural environment and the structure itself.

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