Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Class Reflection September 18 2008

I have previously viewed Baraka and after seeing, at least fragmented parts, for the third time I know that it’s poignant effect does not fade. The sript-less documentary points such a startling look at society that one is awkwardly stuck in the middle of dis-comfort and awe. What is the appropriate response? I found it interesting that so many in the class found it all too disturbing to be staring at chicks being tagged but were all to comfortable to see people being herded, and killed in the same face-less ways. Perhaps it is because we are all too desensitized to the way humans interact to notice the parallels.

I found Jerry’s presentation to be extremely useful. I often get very excited by the aesthetics of a design and rarely think about its practicality and how the individual will interact with the design. As I embark upon my own design career I think that lessons such as Jerry’s will be vital to the developments of my designs.

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