Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Class Reflection: November 13th

I found the lectures from this class very inspiring. I was extremely interested in what professor McLaughlin spoke of. In fact it has inspired the city my group will create for studio.
The story of the 35 year study by David Nash with a wooden boulder is incredible. I am always inspired by stories of such dedication. We rely so much on technology to answer our questions and wonders quickly. However, Nash's experiment shows the effects of water shaping the land at the rate it is actually experienced IN nature. Discovering areas of deposit and seasonality cannot be described as wholesomely through satelite images.
I also found it totally insane that such similar landscapes have been affected so differently as a result of political policies. I can not remember the actual law behind it, but the area just south of the border at Alberta is extremely erroded due to over cultivation. The policy that influenced this gave some sort of incentive to the farmers in the states, whereas due also to policy on the Canadian side it is mostly prairie grass cattle ranges, resulting in very little erosion.

The second presenter was from Germany, and unfortunately his name escapes me. I thought his garden designs were fantastic. Also I liked that he showed us very successful designs on a variety of budgets.

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