Sunday, October 12, 2008

Class Reflection October 9, 2008

Although I had an appointment and unfortunately was not able to attend class, the girls’ summaries gave me a good idea of what was discussed.
I was very interested to hear about the healing properties of color, and the potential of designing an environment based upon these principals. As I mentioned after Vaike’s first lecture, I am interested by color’s ability to convey information and feelings without the use of words or symbols. When designing spaces, color presents the opportunity for the designer to utilize it to change the implications of the space.

The homework was assigned last time we saw Vaike, and reviewed last class was something I too really enjoyed doing. I found it fun to do because each color reminded me of different times throughout my, and specific objects or experiences that have come to represent to each of the colors. The many ways Colors are able to transverse language and cultures and their many uses and therapeutic properties only make them that much more important to incorporate into our designs.

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