Thursday, December 4, 2008

Last Class Reflection

The past semester has challenged, enlightened, worked, and inspired me. When I saw Judith's heading of "Reflections from our last class" I honestly felt quite sad! I'm not sure that this blog is a forum for discussing feelings though, so on that note, and in a more intellectual manner, I would like to reflect briefly the last class lecture, and then I would like to touch on the class as a whole.

The presentation of green roofs during the last class gave me further insight into the possibility of integrating non-traditional landscapes into the urban context. What is it about Germany? The last lecturer originates in this design hot bed and her presentation reflected the innovative values that seem to inform many German designs. I believe that to create these innovative designs, narratives are critical. The speaker's presentation demonstrated how narratives informed, shaped, and strengthened her garden designs.

Although Jae mentioned that he did not want us to blog on his installment of our last Natural and Human Systems lecture, I am compelled to. His presentation intrigued me because it outlined the kind of alternative projects that can be explored in architecture. When Jae presented some of his projects I understood more clearly what he reiterated throughout the class, he has advised us to become deeply involved in the culture of design. His photographs of late night meetings and collaborations with artists and designers reflect the kind of experiences I hope to have. His projects were innovative and conceptually strong, and this is the kind of design I want to participate in in the future.

As this class has shifted Judith's appreciation of natural systems, my perceptions have also changed. I am starting to experience the pull and the culture of design. This class has made me realize the relevance of everything, especially in an era of sustainability. Designs that succeed, that count, consider and account for as many factors as possible. We have learned that these factors are cultural, economic, social, sustainable, esthetic, sensory, and the list goes on and on and on...

1 comment:

jkklm said...

beautiful, enlightening summary of our class experience Katie!